Non-Surgical Body Treatments
In recent years non-surgical body treatments have seen a sharp rise in popularity. There have been massive advancements in technology and innovative developments that offer a wide range of choices. You no longer need to go under the knife to achieve the look you have always wanted.
At BLU Clinics, we offer a range of body treatments that provide fat reduction, lifting and tightening across your body. Get in touch for a consultation.

Aqualyx Treatment

Cellulitis Reduction


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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Aqualyx?
AQUALYX™ is a water-based solution injected into the fatty tissue that surrounds the cells and destroys them. The remains of the fat cells are then excreted by the body safely as waste. Within the following weeks, the treated fat cells are gradually dissolved. The metabolism in the treated area is increased. Usually, 2 injection spots are required per region with a differing volume of product for different areas of fat. The number of treatments required can vary dependent on the area/amount being treated. Starting, with as little as 1 or 2 treatments required in some cases, going up to 8 in others. Repeat treatments occur every 4 weeks.
What is Aqualyx used for?
AQUALYX™ is intended for patients with localised fat tissue not responding to diet or increased physical exercise. AQUALYX™ is not intended for weight loss, it is used to improve and alter the contour of the body. Results cannot be compared to liposuction, as that is an operative method of fat reduction where large amounts of fat are permanently removed from the body. The results of AQUALYX™ are permanent, however, the procedure takes time to reach its full effect.
What areas can be treated with Aqualyx?
The area of fat underneath the chin (otherwise known as the submental fat) is the most common area to treat. This is due to it being a troubling area with few other options for treatment. Other common areas would be the bra fat or small pockets of fat anywhere on the body: abdomen, below the buttocks, inner and outer thighs, hips, and upper arms. It can even be used on lipomas.
What is Mesotherapy for body?
Mesotherapy is an excellent treatment to rejuvenate, firm, tone and slim different parts of the body. It is also used to help reduce cellulite as well as promote weight loss. It can also be used to treat stretch marks and ageing skin and firm up sagging skin.
The treatment involves injecting a cocktail of natural extracts, as well as amino acids, pharmaceuticals and vitamins into the middle layers of the skin. This is done to promote local circulation, local metabolism and hence it leads to localised fat loss, skin firmness and a substantive reduction of cellulite.